Monday, December 17th.
“Do a circuit workout today!”
While I was looking at the email that Lindsay and Elle sent me. I saw Elle’s pick for The Power Hour Workout for the ambitious elf. I looked it over and decided that this would be perfect! I definitely have been very ambitious with my exercising this whole month which I’m very proud of. So I figured, why not? Let’s add on another 30 minutes to my usual 30-45 minute workouts. I did half the workout in the morning before Bowen, and the other half after Bowen. I feel accomplished!
Tuesday, December 18th.
“Treat yourself to something you’ve been craving!”
I treated myself to two nutrition bar. Yes, two. I grew ravenous after my workout in the morning and decided to just rad my "stash of goods." Blueberry and Peanut Butter were my cravings so I grabbed two bars with those flavors. (Told you those *Perfectly Simple bars were on my grocery list.)
Wednesday, December 19th.
“Bake cookies! Find a healthier recipe to try or make some healthy swaps for an old favorite.”
Great excuse to get myself back into baking. I’ve been slacking with it, lately. So I hit up my Pinterest and found my favorite low calorie cookie recipe for 42 Calorie Pumpkin Cookies.
Thursday, December 20th.
“Winter is the perfect time for casseroles! Make a casserole for dinner tonight. Add extra veggies and go easy on the cheese and sauce.”
I was unsure with what kind of casserole I wanted to make for this day. Lindsay’s pick in her email was her Lentil Veggie Mac & Cheese. I have previously posted a recipe for regular ol’ Vegan Mac & Cheese, but being the lover of Macaroni n’ Cheese that I am. I decided to make Lindsay’s recipe but revamp it vegan style! (All I did was use vegan alternatives to her recipe and I added in an extra cup of vegetables. I used 1 cup each of red onion, tomato, peas, red bell pepper, and spinach.) It made a perfect dinner on a cold, rainy day. Everyone enjoyed it.
Friday, December 21st.
“Pay it forward! Do something nice for someone else.”
I emailed my elf, Laura, on Monday and asked her if it would be okay to send her a care package for this day’s challenge and because Christmas is literally.. right around the corner and why not give to all I can? Yes, I’m a giver. Always have been, always will be. I went shopping for cute Christmas-y items for her and her family and mailed it off to her on this day!
Saturday, December 22nd.
“Going to a holiday party? Eat a snack before you go, choose water and split dessert with someone else.”
I did my “holiday party” yesterday at my cousin Nikki’s. It wasn’t really a party though. More as, a get together. I did eat a “snack” before going while I was making a salad to take over. I ate the leftover garbanzo beans that I didn’t put into the salad as my “snack” before going. Yes, I know, eating garbanzo beans straight out of the can is strange. You don’t have to tell me. I already know. Since I’m the only vegan in the family. My salad was the only thing that I could eat while I was there. The spaghetti had meatballs in it and the garlic bread had butter smothered all over it. The dessert was pumpkin and lemon zest bread. Which I assumed was made with dairy so I didn’t touch it. I only drink water, coffee, and tea. So I easily avoided the pop and stuck to my water.
Today starts off Round 3 of Elf4Health as well as a new elf buddy for me. Hopefully my new elf is just as wonderful as Laura has been. Tomorrow, I'll start on my new challenges.
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